This Is What I've Found You can think that it's selflessness But if you feel that she owes something back Then thats no more than trading favors If you think friendship is about trading favors Then you're greatly mistaken Friendship is not made with time invested It is not made with favors given It cannot be bought with candy grams or chocolates Friendship is something much deeper Something much harder to define Friends do not 'do this' or 'do that' Friends are not always there for you: They have lives too. It's just that, because they're friends, If they are around, and not out clubbing And not taking a nap, and not doing homework, If they know you have a problem, Then they'll be there for you. But they aren't supermen, and they aren't telepathic. They don't need to be to be your friend. Your friends are human, and don't forget it And don't expect more, and don't give more. Don't give and give and give, and then wonder with deep regret and bitterness, why nothing has been given back Because that's not friendship And it's not what you'll find in friendship Friendship is a feeling, a comfort Being able to say something without shaking Not having any goal, not having any plans To be with that person is happiness To be apart from that person is loneliness That is friendship. It's that simple, that deep, that hard to understand... This other kind of love that is not romantic... So don't blame friendship... True friendship has no drama... True friendship has no loyalty... True friendship has no favors... For a feeling is nothing but a feeling The most powerful force in the universe.