~ Doujinshi ~


Tennis Nation 2

     How the Higuma Otoshi came to be (...kinda)
Inui X Kai
     ... at least there's a kitty.
Moon Volley
     Oishi's best move (and maybe only move?)
Juliet(?)'s Scream
     Shockingu!! The truth about Fuji's eyes!
Juliet(?)'s Scream 2
     Eiji dreams again...another shocking
One Word (Anko)
     Fuji and Tezuka try to nab a little fluff from the
     Golden Pair... can those two possibly succeed?!
How about Taka x Kiku?
     We all know what happens when Taka holds a 
     racket, but what about something else?  Eiji 
     decides to find out!