Princes of Rock
by Suke


Chapter one: Murder


Atobe Keigo: Prince of Rock, King of Divas (Dec 3, 2003, Wednesday -- From the Inui files)

A loud, beautiful rock singer whose most recent hit "Greater Than You" topped the charts for three consecutive weeks, Atobe Keigo is known for trashing his hotel rooms (96%), demanding Evian water to bathe in (87%) and making his extensive staff and entourage cry (99%).

Fans worship this diva fervently while just about everyone else hates him. Atobe doesn't seem to mind this though and who would after the countless awards he has received? He is also the highest earner of his record label Gakuto-Ooshitari Pte Ltd so he would have no contract problems on that side (98%).


Atobe Keigo didn't smile. Atobe Keigo never smiled. A smile was such a utilitarian, common, unrefined action. It was not possible for Atobe Keigo to be so vulgar. Only those common people smiled and Atobe was anything but common.

Instead, Atobe Keigo smirked.

"What did you ask me to do?" Shishido Ryo demanded belligerently from the smirking face.

"Shishido-sempai," Ootari Choutaro intervened quickly. "It's okay, I'll do it!"

"No!" Shishido threw back at the younger boy and pointed a shaking finger at their employer. "Don't give in to him! He needs to be taught a lesson!"

Shishido struggled to wrest out of Choutaro's grip and punch the self- satisfied look off that pretty face. Atobe continued to smirk and of course he could. He didn't completely trust in Choutaro's ability to hold down his sempai but he did know that his bodyguard and personal assistant, the inhuman Kabaji stood right behind him. He let the two boys grapple for a moment longer.

"Kabaji," Atobe called his favourite henchman. "Make Shishido do it."


Kabaji walked over to the two boys and unceremoniously picked Shishido up with one arm, carrying him out of the room. Choutaro sagged onto a chair, relieved of his previous struggle, and turned towards Atobe with cute puppy- dog eyes.

"Atobe-san, Shishido-sempai will be so angry," Choutaro said, pouting cutely.

"Let him be," Atobe refused to be talked out of his decision.

"Let me do it, please. I don't mind doing it at all."

"That's why I don't want you doing it. And don't you think that Shishido- san will look so much more dashing in leopard skin print?" Atobe drawled.

"Atobe-san, you'll make him cry again."

As the fair hair boy spoke, Shishido was dragged back into the room, blushing profusely. He was now out of his previous all-black ensemble and wearing a much more eye-catching outfit. He had a mid-brown leather jacket with a red fur collar over a violent purple shirt and a tight clinging pair of leopard print pants. His long brown hair was tied up with a matching leopard print ribbon and silver link chains hung around his waist as a belt. More chains wrapped around his arms and he had a black suede choker with a single silver bell hanging from it around his neck.

"Shishido-sempai!" Choutaro blurted out in surprise.

"How pretty!" Atobe's tone was more mocking. "And now you finally match!"

Atobe was referring to his own zebra-skin print suit, Kabaji's tiger- striped pants and Choutaro's spotted shirt. They were in jungle theme. Atobe insisted on themes. It was only right for a platinum selling rock star to have themes.

"You really look very nice, Shishido-sempai," Choutaro said supportively, glad that Shishido-sempai was looking grouchy. He far preferred that to his sempai crying.

"Let's go, Kabaji," Atobe said as he stood up. "The public awaits."

"Usu," Kabaji said.

"I feel like a two-bit pimp." Shishido growled darkly on his way out.

Nobody noticed Atobe's smirk grow wider. It was almost a grin but of course Atobe Keigo never grinned. He would never do anything so common.


Fur-asco (Dec 4, 2003, Thursday -- Great Reporter Inui)

Atobe Keigo was surely (89%) not expecting the welcome he received when he returned to Japan today. Apart from his throngs of fans who hastened to meet him at Narita Airport, rending the arrival area near (95%) impassable, a different kind of banner-wielding crowd had turned up as well.

The protesters against the wearing of fur held up signboards and chanted "Fur is murder!" as the superstar exited the VIP lounge of the airport dressed, with his entourage, in a variety of animal prints and furs. Atobe responded by shouting as he gracefully dodged a projectile: "I'll show you murder!" after which he calmly summoned his bodyguard, Kabaji Munehiro, to do exactly that.

A tussle broke out between Atobe's many fans and the badly outnumbered protestors and the airport security were forced to request aid from the police.

Atobe's recording label was unavailable for official comment but when Gakuto Mukahi, one of the heads of the label was approached for his opinion, he offered the candid opinion that the fur protestors "should go live in a forest or something if they care about animals so much and leave other people alone", tossing the end of his grey squirrel fur scarf over his shoulder.

