
By Dyaoka

Disclaimer: I don’t own the Prince of Tennis.

Notes/Warnings: Shounen-ai. Duh…what do you expect from me? ‘Tis my first drabble, I believe…for the PoT section.

Karupin was disturbed from his sleep when the warmth of the sun had disappeared from the sky, over the houses and hills to reappear the next day. A chilly breeze blew through the opened window; there was no one around to shut it. The Old Man and his wife were not home that night; he could smell it in the air and hear it in the late-autumn wind. Nanako was gone as well, off to somewhere unknown to Karupin.

The cat stretched languidly and walked away from the once sun-bathed spot in the living room under the window. Ryoma was home after all, and he was warm. That was Karupin’s destination. He stopped at the entranceway to the home, seeing an unrecognized pair of shoes and smelling a familiar, yet unknown scent.

Up the stairs Karupin traveled, in search of his master. Finally, Karupin reached his goal: Ryoma’s room. The strong scent of the golden-eyed boy told Karupin he was there. However, there was also a strong smell of the unknown scent. Karupin bristled.

He entered the room with a soft mew; the sound did not stir any of the slumbering figures on the bed. Hopping onto the springy bed, Karupin tried to squeeze between his beloved, darling, favorite master and the…unknown stranger. Karupin turned and faced him, that unknown stranger, his blue eyes unblinking as if trying to relay a psychic message.

Something must have clicked, because the other woke up. Crystalline blue met sky blue and the two met in a staring contest.

“Ryoma,” said the blue-eyed person slowly. Ryoma stirred little, barely twitching at the name. “I think your cat’s jealous.”

“Karupin…” Ryoma mumbled sleepily, putting an arm around Karupin and tucking the cat under his chin and taking pleasure in the soft fur that tickled his neck when Karupin nuzzled him. The cat felt Ryoma shift slightly in position so he was closer to the blue-eyed stranger, who had placed an arm around him, securing the golden-eyed boy in place.

Well, at least Karupin wasn’t cold anymore.

W00t! W00t! Hehe…when it rains, I start to get creative. Or well, bored. Hrm. Oh yeah, dedicated to Yo-chan!